Overcome The Scare Me To Death Phobias

24 Nov
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1 Overcome The Scare Me To Death Phobias

Overcome The Scare Me To Death Phobias

Scare me to death phobias are those frightening fearful things your subconscious mind relays to your rational mind to avoid at all costs, to run and flee to do whatever you must to avoid these events.    

scare me to death phobiasMany people would love to expel the fears that can often rule their lives and hypnosis has been proven to be very successful in helping clients to deal with these challenges..

People can be afraid of a wide range of things and what may be totally acceptable to one person can be panic provoking to another.   

Here are a list of some common phobias that affect people and can easily be removed from your fears  with  the use of EFT and Hypnosis.


Overcome agoraphobia, a fear of open places.

Bird phobia
Bird Phobia

Help Deal to overcome a fear of birds.


Fear of Flying

Overcome a fear of flying.

Patient fear
Fear of Cancer

Be free from a fear of cancer.

Choking phobia
Fear of Choking 

Overcome a fear of choking 

Fear of Confrontations

Become more assertive in expressing your preferences and objections.

Crowd of people
Fear of Crowds

Overcome a fear of crowds with hypnosis.

Fear of Dentists

Overcome a Fear of Dentists (White Coat Syndrome)..

fear of heights

Easily Overcome fear of heights with EFT.


Beat a fear of closed spaces 

Coronavirus Anxiety

Help to deal with their fears about COVID-19 

Fear of Bees or Wasps

Help clients overcome a bee phobia

Phobia release

Fear of Being Alone

Overcome your fear of being alone 

Fear of Blood

Help  to overcome a fear of blood

Fear of Cats

Overcome a fear of cats 

Fear of Commitment

Overcome a Fear of Commitment with Hypnosis.

Fear of Death

Overcome a Fear of Death 

Fear of Dogs

Help to enjoy the company of pet dogs 


Help to stop hoarding and clear their clutter .

Fear of Abandonment

Recover from feelings of being abandoned.

Fear of Anaesthesia
 Relax during surgery 
Friends hugging
Fear of Being Touched

Help to overcome a fear of being touched,  haphephobia .

Fear of childbirth
Fear of Childbirth

Overcome a fear of childbirth with hypnosis.

People dressed as clowns
Fear of Clowns

Help you to overcome a fear of clowns.

Fear of Driving

Overcome your fear of driving 

Fear of Failure

Overcome a fear of failing .

Germ phobia
Fear of Germs

Help to overcome a fear of germs and being contaminated .

Why do people develop phobias?

Clients often say that nothing has happened to cause their phobia and that it is simply something they’ve either always been afraid of or that just came on for no reason. If one person is afraid of enclosed spaces and another isn’t, then clearly there is a difference between the two.

The first person has either been exposed to some trigger event which has been repressed in the subconscious mind, or has learned to be afraid from a parent or other authority figure earlier on in life. People don’t become afraid for no reason.

The originating event may not have been particularly traumatic at the time but is likely to have caused by emotional conflict or been anchored by a negative response. Phobias can occur spontaneously following the death of someone close or during periods of extreme stress.

Scare me to death Phobias

Here is a list of phobias,  do any of them seem familiar to you?  Do you need assistance to rid your life of  these phobia fears?




Fear of Abandonment

Fear of Air Turbulence

Fear of Anesthesia

Fear of Asbestos

Fear of Authority

Fear of Balloons

Fear of Bees or Wasps

Fear of Being Alone

Fear of Being Burgled

Fear of Being Touched

Fear of Birds

Fear of Blood

Fear of Blood Tests

Fear of Bodily Functions

Fear of Bodily Hair

Fear of Bowel Movements for Younger Children

Fear of Buttons

Fear of COVID-19

Fear of Cancer

Fear of Cats

Fear of Choking for Adults

Fear of Clowns

Fear of Commitment

Fear of Conflict

Fear of Confrontations

Fear of Contracting HIV

Fear of Criticism

Fear of Crowds

Fear of Death

Fear of Dental Treatment

Fear of Doctors and Dentists

Fear of Dogs

Fear of Driving

Fear of Dwarfs

Fear of Eating

Fear of Elevators

Fear of Escalators

Fear of Eye Drops

Fear of Failure

Fear of Fainting

Fear of Falling Asleep While Driving

Fear of Falling Over

Fear of Fear

Fear of Finance

Fear of Fish

Fear of Flying

Fear of Frogs

Fear of Furry Animals

Fear of Germs

Fear of Ghosts

Fear of Going Places Hypnosis Script (Free)

Fear of Going to Bed

Fear of Growing Old

Fear of Heights 

Fear of Bridges

Fear of High Ceilings (Altocelarophobia)

Fear of Hospitals

Fear of Ice

Fear of Inadequacy

Fear of Injections

Fear of Insects

Fear of Inserting Contact Lenses

Fear of Internal Examinations

Fear of Intimacy

Fear of Living Alone

Fear of Lizards

Fear of Long Flights

Fear of Loud Noises

Fear of MRI Scans

Fear of Meeting People

Fear of Mints

Fear of Missing Out – FOMO

Fear of Monsters (for Children)

Fear of Moths

Fear of Motorway Driving

Fear of Mountainous Driving

Fear of Needles

Fear of Pain

Fear of Panic Attacks

Fear of Passenger Driving

Fear of Passenger Travel

Fear of Passing Wind

Fear of Pigeons

Fear of Poverty

Fear of Pregnancy

Fear of Public Toilets

Fear of Rats and Mice

Fear of Rejection

Fear of Shopping Centers (Malls)

Fear of Snakes

Fear of Soiling

Fear of Spiders

scare me to death phobias

Fear of Spiders for Children (Free)

Fear of Spiders’ Webs

Fear of Staying Awake

Fear of Success

Fear of Surgery

Fear of Taking Medication

Fear of Talking on the Telephone

Fear of Talking to People

Fear of Technology

Fear of Thunderstorms

Fear of Travel

Fear of Travelling by Underground/Subway/Metro

Fear of Trying New Food

Fear of Viral Contamination

Fear of Vomiting

Fear of War

Fear of Warmth on Skin

Fear of Water

Fear of Wearing a Face Mask

Fear of the Dark

Fear of the Dark for Children

Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Wind



Social Phobia

Spider Anxiety

Spider Phobia

First Sensitizing Incident

Using Chair or Gestault  therapy,  we access the mind, age regression, we ask the subconscious if anything happened in the past to cause the problem. This may be something that happened to you or someone close to you.

It could be something you heard or read or saw on TV. Even an early nightmare that severely affected you as a child.   Your questioning will cover all eventualities until you get a response that you can work with.

We find out when it happened. For example, ‘did something happen to you before the age of 10?’ If yes, then go further back – ‘Was it something that happened before the age of 5?”, etc.

When the subconscious signals a precise age,  we instruct you to go back to that time and review what happened, what was being said, done, felt, etc. They can go through the event several times on an unconscious level until the memory surfaces.

scare me to death phobias

You may well show signs of abreaction by shivering, crying, shouting, etc. These feelings will allow the original traumatizing event to be released and aid in your  recovery.

You can reassure  that now these memories have surfaced into conscious awareness they will lose their power over you. You are now able to be rational about what it is they were previously afraid of.

You could  imagine all negative feelings leaving you, floating up into a cloud that becomes black and heavy before being blown away by a gust of wind.

Or we could use an Inner Child technique, having you see yourself as adult self going back and reassure the child within you  with the maturity and wisdom that you have  accumulated over the years.

Or perhaps see the images on a screen and allow the screen to become smaller and fade away. Next, visualize  coming face to face with whatever it was they were afraid of and notice how calm and confident they feel.

Once this has been done you can begin to receive strong positive suggestions, before bringing you out of hypnosis.

AMAZING UNEXPLAINABLE HEALINGS COMBINING EFT AND FSIHopefully, now you will feel a lot better about whatever it was that you were afraid of. Then we will test your reactions by deliberately putting yourself  into a situation that was previously fearful.

Do not be afraid to reach out to me,  Mark E Wilkins, to assist you in any phobia or fears you might have.  Most phobia sessions  last  2 hours and  the fear or phobia is usually  dispelled with one session.   

To make an appointment,  first listen to the  Pre-talk  and fill out he  Complementary Healthcare Provider Disclosure.  The use the Contact Form to request an appointment  with the Bohol Hypnosis Expert. 

Mark E Wilkins

Mark E Wilkins has a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnosis. Mr. Wilkins has been in private practice and conducts group seminars for Goal and Motivational Achievement, Law of Attraction, and Painfree Child Birth. He has been certified as a Painless Natural Childbirth Specialist, a Certified Pediatric Hypnotist, and an Emergency (First Responder) Hypnosis Instructor. With hundreds of clients taught and seminars conducted, he has been able to put together a series of very successful programs to provide the wonderful benefits utilizing Hypnosis, EFT, and NLP to an ever expanding group of people looking for excellence within themselves.

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