Complementary Healthcare Disclosure


Mark E. Wilkins, Ph.D a Personal Performance Coach and Master Hypnotist, is not a licensed physician. His self-regulated holistic treatments, modalities, and specialties do not require state or federal licensing and their client-centered discipline, philosophy, education, experience & certification allows to assess, advise & assist me to:

  • Enhance and Master my personal goals for a healthy, happy life.

  • Transform physical, emotional, mental, social, & spiritual limits to renew and free me from things like addiction, allergy, boredom, codependency, confusion, conflict, depression, disability, fear, high blood pressure, illness, incongruity, injury, insomnia, hurtful habits, lack of control, life passages, life traps, limiting beliefs, low self-esteem, negativity, pain, poor concentration, poor diet, physical issues, self-sabotage, speech impediments, stress, stagnation, toxicity, trauma, problems, being upset and worried.
  • Enhance well being  at work, home, school, play, sports, and during traditional medical / dental procedures by stimulating my natural abilities.
  • Receive professional support, practical ideas, information, techniques and methods presented by my complementary healthcare provider’s specific research, schooling, self-discovery, courses, certification and experience.
  • Modalities that may be used or combined might include clinical hypnosis, verbal & non verbal motivation, healing, behavior modification, neuro linguistic programing, therapy, counseling, coaching, emotional freedom techniques, nutrition, naturopathy, herbology, bodywork, movement, spiritual work and spiritual fitness, body energy meridians and balance.
I have read and understand this Complimentary Healthcare Provider Disclosure