21 Sep

EFT surprising healinsEFT surprising healings.  EFT was originally designed to overhaul the psychotherapy profession. Fortunately, that goal has been reached as EFT has dramatically reduced therapy time from months or years down to minutes or hours.

Along the way, we kept noticing that profound physical healings were also taking place. Vision improved, headaches disappeared, cancer pains and symptoms subsided and so on. The reason for this, we found, is that EFT addresses causes that western practices have largely ignored.


Medicine pays very little attention to disruptions in the body’s energy meridians and does not it give much weight to emotional causes. These causes are the centerpiece of EFT, hence Emotional Freedom Technique. Thus it is no wonder that EFT produces benefits where the medical profession has thrown up its hands.

A 2010 study in Integrative Medicine by Dawson Church, PhD, and Audrey Brooks, PhD, on the “Effects of a Brief Emotional Freedom Techniques Self-Intervention on Anxiety, Depression, Pain and Cravings in Healthcare Workers” found that tapping provided an immediate positive effect on psychological distress, pain, and cravings. Other research can be found online.

“Using this self-care energy technique you can be fully present and available to do your best work with patients and colleagues from a state of well-being and presence,” said Bev Nerenberg, EFT Tapping Certified Practitioner and founder of Wellness At Your Fingertips®.

“In the clinical setting, nurses at the Cleveland Clinic have been using tapping for patients with pain and anxiety for a few years with great results,” according to Barb Picciano Caranci, BSN, RN, HN-BC, RM, HTPA, manager of healing services at Cleveland Clinic.

“We put tapping to use with patients at the bedside during holistic encounters by our team of nurses and chaplains,” Picciano Caranci said. “We also teach patients how to do this themselves when we are not present. It’s a great tool to help with empowerment and intermittent intervention in their own care.”

The reason is simply because we are taking aim at causes that others have largely disregarded. EFT has shown amazing and profound results. With its widespread nature EFT lends itself to physical healings. It stresses the emotional healings and doesn’t cover the physical healings in nearly as dramatic a fashion as they actually occur.

EFT Surprising Healings

Because it has proven to be such an effective healing tool,  I have been using it more than  hypnotherapy. Incredible results are found with phobias and PTSD.  It is the emotional and energetic causes that we need to understand and to focus on with the EFT session.

EFT is meant to replace qualified medical advice. It is an alternative source of healing available to you.  Therapists, physicians, ministers and other members of the healing professions please take note.  Utilizing EFT represents a radical departure from conventional techniques. Properly used, it should multiply your abilities several fold in healing and session times.


EFT  is a unconventional form of healing by using the  energy meridians and energy points of the body.  Emotional Freedom Technique yields itself  to group sessions  as well as individual one on one clients.  The clients can also learn and take home with them techniques  that they can utilize  daily and continue to improve their issues and lives.  Visit www.growth-enrichment.com  for additional information and for booking a session  with  Mark E Wilkins, Ph.D.


This  incredible book “Secret Power” by Mark E Wilkins – Master Hypnotist And Author  is an invaluable guide to learning how to  transmute.  Then a step by step process to  practice and  apply  the art of  transmutation into your  visualizations and  images.   At the point you will be able to  start  manifesting  and building the future  you want to exist in. 

Mark E Wilkins

Mark E Wilkins has a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnosis. Mr. Wilkins has been in private practice and conducts group seminars for Goal and Motivational Achievement, Law of Attraction, and Painfree Child Birth. He has been certified as a Painless Natural Childbirth Specialist, a Certified Pediatric Hypnotist, and an Emergency (First Responder) Hypnosis Instructor. With hundreds of clients taught and seminars conducted, he has been able to put together a series of very successful programs to provide the wonderful benefits utilizing Hypnosis, EFT, and NLP to an ever expanding group of people looking for excellence within themselves.

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